
Picking sticky, fuzzy beans from my Nan's garden is one of my most treasured food and family memories. It has long been part of the afternoon routine when we visit and one day, I hope to be able to grow as many beans as my Nan does; she tells me that often she has to give some of her backyard produce to neighbours! Wouldn't it be wonderful to share your produce around because you have too much! One day, perhaps, but for now it is nice to pick a solid handful or two of green beans from our little plot. I can't resist a glowing butter bean either but we haven't quite gotten around to planting those this season.

Fresh beans steamed until they're just cooked makes for one of the most simple pleasures. Luckily, the beans are coming on thick and fast. I love having to untangle the wild stalks of our bean plants before snapping off that perfectly formed pod. I think you can always tell the freshness of a bean by how sticky it feels. That is something that you don't experience with supermarket-bought beans. Homegrown beans are a wonder; they're crisper and sweeter than anything you can buy in shops. If you're keen to have your own beans in the summer, get planting now! It's so worth it.